Folklore Magazine Archives

We share past editions here, free of charge, after three years. All writing and images (except, in the case of images, where otherwise notified) are copyright of the authors.

Please note: Some past editions of Folklore use outdated language relating to Indigenous peoples (i.e., Indian, Aboriginal, etc.). The SHFS wishes to note that these terms do not have any place in modern editions of Folklore.


Folklore Finding Aids

The SHFS has searchable pdfs of back issues (compiled by decade), an Index to 2020, and a List of Articles to 2020. These are available by clicking the links below. If you need help finding what you are looking for, please contact us.


V. 42 (2020–2021)

V. 41 (2019–2020)

V. 40 (2018–2019)

V. 39 (2017–2018)

V. 38 (20162017)

V. 37 (20152016)