Everett Baker Award for Saskatchewan Heritage

2018 Winner: Shirley Frydenlund

Shirley Frydenlund has been chosen to receive the 2018 Baker Award for Saskatchewan Heritage. Shirley’s tremendous energy and tireless commitment to serving her community for the last 35+ years is what inspired our Board select her for this award. Since the 1980’s, Shirley has given an outstanding level of time and energy to her community, particularly in the area of heritage. She has volunteered in local schools; organized community events; researched, authored, and co-authored numerous histories of Allan and Allan community organizations; and sat on the executive for various heritage and community celebration committees (to name but a few of her contributions). On top of these considerable achievements, Shirley has contributed countless volunteer hours (the equivalent to a full-time job, for many years) to the Alan Community Heritage Society and Museum. In addition being a founding member, Shirley has been treasurer since 2005, an administrator for the past 8 years, creates new displays on a yearly basis, develops and leads programming such as the Allan Culture Days, and performs a multitude of other tasks, from cataloguing artifacts to writing grant reports. Congratulations, Shirley! You have truly gone “above and beyond.”